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Judgment526 • 1 year ago

I knew Jonas was the one behind the silver sugar theft. He did it in order to create a situation where he could “come to Ann’s rescue” and win her favor. All he ever cared about was himself. Hope he gets his just desserts next episode.

Jack • 1 year ago

When he tried to kiss her I was SO ready to beat his a** up XD. Like damn kid its past time you figure she doesn't want you

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Beat his a** gang

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Nor she doesn't love him.

Lahar Ranx • 1 year ago

Putting aside that some females deliberately play hard to get, & some people need repeated prodding to get romantically interested; 1 main reason why Anne didn't consider Jonas' advances is her prudish naivety, especially since copying her mum's livelihood & being pitied aren't mutually exclusive from falling in love.

Personally, whether the person's interested or not, I wouldn't waste too much time with them if there's little progress.

Ka-chan | カッちゃん • 12 months ago

What kind of attitude is that! Are you even considering potential partners humans with their own feelings, rather than objects? "females"? What are you, a "male"? "Play hard to get?", as assesed by you reading their mind and deciding that by yourself, rather than actually talking to people. And OFCOURSE it can take time for relationships to form. Even more so with the consistent and widely spread amounts of trauma that we collectively end up with. "whether the person's interested or not" is not a thing. Cause when they are not, then they are not, end of story. When they are and you are then your perception of progress" is not the only prception up for consideration. On the contrary, you'd better be interested in progress speed that suits both of you as much as possible.

Pity is mutually exclusive from falling in love, cause it's looking down on a person and love is not usually sth. that can grow with such basis. Being compassionate is an entirely different story!

Also, she is by no means rejecting him out of "prudish naivety". Why the hell would you bring in an insult based of a person's sexual availability (or rather an insult towards women when men don't get to control and utilise their sexual availability as THEY see fit) in a scenario there's no mutual feelings to start with?? She stated clearly that she has her own agenda and does not consider married life anytime soon, but wants to live independently following the craft passed down to her through her mother. Not to mention she is in the process of grieving! "Copying". Really now? So now we are criticising people for having passions when they are passed down? And we criticise a teenager on her very first journey and independent steps, for not being a completely seasoned adult. As if even such adults don't hold things dear that others passed to them? Excuse you???

How about: She had enough of a gut instinct to know he is not good for her. And that becoming more apparent by the way he treats fairies. And his abusiveness reaking countless miles against the wind, starting from the very first few secons of interaction we saw, when he kept disregarding absolutely everything she said!

Mellow Chamallow • 7 months ago

Well said, I'm honestly getting tired of incels.

Porthya • 1 year ago

I say brace yourselves...

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Knew he was sus since ep 1 and now it proves on how underhanded sleezy he is.

Helocat • 1 year ago

Good thing the good lot of viewers never liked him and saw him for what he truly was... an incel who can't take no for an answer.

Ka-chan | カッちゃん • 12 months ago

Really now. From the first seconds he had my skin crawling as he kept entirely ignoring basically anything and everything she told him and asked him for! Only ever taking self-serving actions with 0 regard for her will.

BunnyLuvr • 1 year ago

His just desserts... I wanna cry at this pun, but I like it so much 🤣 🤣 🤣

KuroroSama42 • 1 year ago

I'm going to guess it'll be a few episodes before he gets what's coming to him.
He needs to enter the competition with her piece and lose (probably get caught for stealing it, in fact) before he can die horribly.
Also, her getting back on her feet in time for the competition will take up the next episode or 2.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Agreed, except I'm betting that the whole situation isn't as cut and dry as we're supposed to think....there's more to this by a mile. I'm also betting that he knew/expected Challe would protect Ann and so he wasn't really worried about her safety.
I could be wrong of course.

Soukoku • 1 year ago

Nah he didn't care at all😂 he was only using her cause he lack the skills to make his own. He's supposedly be a successor to his own candy maker house right? Hence why he said "it'll be easier if u just love/marry me blah blah"

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

You may be right, but I'm betting he actually did this as he felt in some way that it was an altruistic move. I guess we will see soon enough. Looking forward to it! :)

Porthya • 1 year ago

Nope, they even added to his interaction with Anne in ep 1(as she was leaving his village) lines into his tirade that would allude to him being narcissistic and absolutely self-serving. He's trash, and stays trash.
And I might have to rewatch the episode, as I think they excluded the scene from the GTC where he douses her in more blood when she tries to get on the driver seat and take back control of her cart, then pushes her almost right at the feet of a wolf or two, and Challe barely saves her from them, and himself(there's mention of him having to dodge repeated attempts of the wolves on his remaining wing too). We have his pov during the attack(the novels have 3rd person narrative with alternating pov between Anne and Challe), and it wasn't an easy fight.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Ah I see, well it seems likely, but I'd like to think the writers were more creative than that, of course I could be wrong. So from what you've put forth, I gather this is information gathered from the written material?

Porthya • 1 year ago

Yes, I've read the first 2 light novel volumes, they've been fan translated a few years ago. And I didn't think to spoiler tag since I addressed a pretty much established attitude for a character. I don't know for sure if he changes past the second volume, but for what it's worth in these 2, he's convincingly stupid and unredeemable. Only remotely cowed by Anne's courage against all odds proving her superiority to him on several accounts.
Regarding writing choices, this work is by standard shoujo, this means it's aimed at young female teenagers, and it focuses on extremely feminine and traditionally Japanese traits and philosophies, including but not limited to dutifulness when undertaking a work project, for example, no matter the costs.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Ahhh, alright then, understood, thank you for sharing, it's appreciated. I'm always hoping for a twist in these things, I dunno, I guess I'm a bit jaded, I didn't expect it would be so much of a cut and dry situation to be exactly as it seemed. I never read any of the written materials due to lack of time (among other things) so the readers often have an advantage over me. That said, it also means I miss out on nuances to the storylines that would add detail and texture to the experience. Sighhh.....

We shall need to wait and find out.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

HA! Nice pun! That was fairy well thought out! :D Or were you winging it? ;D

What pun?

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

I thought you were making a pun/wordplay on Shalle's name, when you said "we shall need to wait and find out". XD Well you made one and didn't even know it! Ha! That's skill! ;P


Porthya • 1 year ago

The "shall" modal has the same spelling translators chose for the ML's name in some cases. It varies from Schall to Shall, to Challe. Not sure yet what Yen Press chose.

I hope while he is running away the thing he store breaks. She can make a new and better one, but he'll be f****d

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

I thought that random rich looking dude will play an important role in the story like a judge or someone more important because he ate FMC's Sugar and know the taste of it, not to mention that FMC also didn't change her method of making it. Jonas is doom to be it seems.

Lahar Ranx • 1 year ago

I suspected Cathy did it out of jealousy, I didn't suspect the whiteknight to be a conartist.

Ka-chan | カッちゃん • 12 months ago

How, after he kept blatantly acting against her will from second 1 of introduction? :'D

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Bro made Kazuya look tame in comparison....and Kazuya stalked Chizuru for a whole episode.

Captain Oblivious • 1 year ago

Well... Sherlock. Everyone figured that out. He treated his fairy like shit as well. And spoke about them generally as possessions. Nobody that watches anime and isn't a trash person could like that little shit. I was sitting and making conversations in my head where i told him to f-off, and asked for Cathy's real name, not the useless human name.

SigmaDemon • 1 year ago

Really? I think you mean all he cared about was "her", until she rejected him bcs she loves the fairy bad boy, instead of him who was always nice and supportive to her. This is almost like Inuyasha and Koga's rivalry for Kagome from the anime Inuyasha! The one who always treats the girl better loses in the favour of the dick character who treats the girl like garbage! If anything, Anne is at fault for all of this happening to her, she should have just brushed off the childish feelings she had for Challe and accept Jonas's proposal - as they are both human first of all!

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Are you being serious? If he can’t accept that Anne simply doesn’t see him in that way, and does a complete 180 just because she rejected him instead of respecting her own feelings on the matter, it means his so-called “love” wasn’t genuine in the first place. Yeah, he was nice to her before she rejected him…because he thought he had something to gain from it if she reciprocated. That’s a self-centered motivation, so my statement still stands. All Jonas ever cared about was himself and whether he could get the girl he wanted, her feelings be damned.

SigmaDemon • 1 year ago

And what you don't get is that she was not respecting HIS feelings either! When 2 sides cannot respect their feelings equally, there will always be an impas!

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

She respectfully rejected him, because she didn’t feel the same way about him. What part about that don’t you get? Or do you think every girl has an obligation to reciprocate the feelings of anyone who is nice to and claims to like her? If that is your stance, then I don’t really know what to say to you anymore besides good luck getting into any kind of meaningful relationship, because that’s the mentality of someone who’s neither been in a relationship before, nor ever will.

SigmaDemon • 1 year ago

It is common courtesy to at least offer the person who has feelings for you with at least 1 date before rejecting them, especially in the era they are born into. Blatantly rejecting someone out of simple dislike is considered "rude"! Learn about manners and medieval courtesy before coming back with these 21st century garbage rules!

Ka-chan | カッちゃん • 12 months ago

What kind of garbage are you spouting? Altight, silly boy! Let's take 20 grandmothers and 2 grandfathers who oh so love you. You just said that they are entitled to one date each of you, just based off THEIR feelings for you that you nevre asked for! So now we expec you - in accordance to your own attitude - to spend the next halfs of the next 20 days on dates with these people you clearly had 0 intentions of considering for partnership.

Do you even listen to what you are saying?

No, it seems you only are ready to impose your ideas onto others when you have needs that you want see satisfied and when you are not the one who is expected to pay unwanted prices for it!.

"21th century garbage", just say you prefer living the life of an abuser. Hey, no problem. You can live your way. Just keep in mind not to impose your lifestyles onto others. X'D

21st century, the entitled abusers still sulk over other people having free will.

Jack • 1 year ago

Like I said last week the Annoying kid is back, meaning Jonas and this episode just made him look like the WORST character!!! I'm 100% sure he's the one that stole her sugar Candy in the first place, and obviously her work later on

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious he stole the sugar so that he could swoop in to “save the damsel in distress.”

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Yep, and if not him than that sus guy at the inn but I have my doubts.

Golb89 • 1 year ago

It was actually Lanfanpan with the help of Saitou.

wwlaos • 1 year ago

Gotta make that sacrifice to her moon god.

Porthya • 1 year ago

LOL, so you meant Jonas. I spoiled myself to the first 2 volumes of the novel and now I'm just waiting to see if/how much past them they're going to animate.

reiko • 1 year ago

I read the manga..but I think they'll complete manga by next episode only since it had just 11 chapters..

Porthya • 1 year ago

I went for the light novel, found the first 2 volumes decently fan-translated, but for some reason the team handling that gave up after the prologue and first chapter of volume 3, so I'm not far ahead either. But with 12 episodes announced, not sure if they'll animate these 2 volumes or head into 3 as well. Incidentally, the first 2 volumes just got licensed and released in an official Yen Press English edition.

reiko • 1 year ago

Spoil me a bit..will there be any development between them😅😅

Porthya • 1 year ago

Yes, it's gradual but solid, and he's the jealous, highly protective and possessive type, even as he tries to deny it to himself that the direction is romantic or doesn't understand it at first. She realises about now that she's falling for him, but tries to staunch it thinking he'd be disgusted or that he was in love with Liz, and even if she releases him next ep and tries to chase him away, he keeps finding obvious pretexts to stick around. Also, the only one room trope gets rather common, and when they're hosted by Hugh and given separate bedrooms, he catches her trying to eavesdrop on him and teasingly offers to sleep with her(in her room and bed) if she's scared or lonely(he's downright flirting with her, even if he wouldn't admit to it). Also, someone tries to get him to leave her, even against her express wishes that they continue their travels together, but he has a revelation that his relationship and perspective of her are vastly different from his sibling-like one with Liz, and decides to hold onto their relationship...more drama happens later on, Jonas gets the chance to be more of an a-hole to them, but it's a story with happy ending in the novels(according to the spoiler threads in the novelupdates forum)

reiko • 1 year ago

thank you so much for details!! And I'm excited to see that version of him 😅😅 and jonas will be there in future too..ughh..but I'm glad that there's happy ending 😊

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

Can't be any more obvious lol